πŸ”’ Binary Rank

πŸ“– How to use
πŸ”’ Binary Rank is a tool to rank some data based on a subjective criteria, such as how much like something.

Ranking data

To rank some data, simply continously click the one you like best of the two presented elements. An estimate for the amount of remaining questions can be seen below the two elements. To view the working rank list, click the "πŸ‘οΈ Show/Hide Rank List" button at the bottom of the screen.

If you choose the wrong element, you can click "↩️ Do Over" to rank the element on the right from the beginnning. You can also find an element in the rank list and reset it to rank it again.

If you don't want to rank an element included in the dataset, you can click the "πŸ—‘οΈ Delete" button when it comes up or in the rank list. This will remove it from the dataset.

Saving data

All the data including ranked and unranked elements are encoded in the URL, which is continously updated as you rank. To save and continue later, simply bookmark the site. You can also use that URL to share the ranklist.

Inputting data

By clicking the "πŸ‘οΈ Show/Hide Data Input" button, you can see a text box containing the current data. Replace it with new data and click "πŸ“ Load" to start ranking that instead. Pressing "βž• Add" will append the data in the box to the currently loaded data.

Data consists of a list of elements to be ranked, each containing one or more attributes. It can be inputted in one of two formats:

  1. CSV: Put the title of every attribute in the first line seperated by a comma. On every subsequent line, put an element and its attributes in the same order, seperated by a comma.
  2. JSON: Input an array of JSON objects each containing key-value pairs corrosponding to the element's attributes.

Special attributes

  • If an attribute is called "title" or "name", it will be used in the header of the element card. Otherwise, the first attribute is used.
  • If an attribute starts with "image" and the value ends in ".png", ".jpg" or ".jpeg", that attribute will be displayed as a picture.
  • If an attribute starts with "video" and the value ends in ".mp4", that attribute will be displayed as a video.
  • If an attribute starts with "audio" and the value ends in ".mp3" or ".wav", that attribute will be displayed as audio.
  • If an attribute starts with "youtube", that attribute will be parsed as a youtube ID.

How does it work?

I made a video about that here:
🚨Remember to always save the URL before leaving! It changes while you're ranking! 🚨
You can use it to:
  • πŸ“€ Share your ranking with other people
  • πŸ’Ύ Visit it again later to continue ranking




Ranked (0/0)